English Fluency or Accuracy… Which Is More important?

March 29, 2024
By Kat Sylwester

As language learners, we have all heard about the four core areas that we need to practise: listening, speaking, reading and writing. But as always, it’s a bit more complicated than this! 

There are also so many sub-skills we need to practise: pronunciation, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation… and dozens more!

It can be very overwhelming, I know. I speak from experience as not only an English teacher, but as a Spanish language learner.

So where do we start?

Believe it or not, all of these skills can be broken down into two main categories: fluency and accuracy. 

What’s the difference between fluency and accuracy?

When we have good fluency, it means that we can produce and engage with language in a smooth and effortless way. Sure, we may make mistakes, but we are able to communicate our ideas. 

Many of our students describe fluency as “saying what is on your mind without translating word for word in your head first”. 

Fluency is mostly associated with speaking, but of course we use it when we write as well. We text our friends, write informal emails or chat online using our fluency skills! 

Accuracy, on the other hand, is often what we think about when we start learning a language. Accuracy is about using correct grammar in speaking and writing. It is about understanding the deeper meaning and usage of vocabulary and also involves the correct pronunciation of words.

It takes lots of practice to be accurate, and it is something we need to work towards little by little. We can practise different aspects of accuracy, depending on our goals, whether it be vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation.

OK, but which one is more important… Fluency or Accuracy?

When we go to the gym, we focus on both endurance and strength in order to get fit and stay healthy. 

And the same is true for your English! In order to have a meaningful conversation with others, we need to use (mostly) correct language and be able to do it without thinking.

So the truth is, both skills are important.

The problem is: Most English learners spend all their time focusing on developing their English accuracy.

They spend hours and hours learning grammar and memorising new vocabulary every week, without creating opportunities to actually USE the language skills they have learned.

The importance of balancing fluency and accuracy 

Time and time again, I’ve heard students tell me how frustrated, embarrassed and confused they feel because they have been studying English for years and still don’t feel fluent. And the reason is almost always the same: they’ve simply spent too much time focusing on accuracy instead of balancing it with fluency practice.

Why is it so common?

Because as humans, we tend to want to do things correctly and perfectly. We don't want to be judged or 'thought less of' because of silly language mistakes, so we focus all our time and energy learning and studying, instead of speaking and doing. Which means that, when we are faced with real situations where we do need to actually speak, we get stuck! We struggle to use the grammar and vocabulary we have been learning, because we haven't given ourselves enough opportunities to practise them in real conversations.

So how can you practise both skills?

This is something we talk about a lot inside the Hey Lady! English speaking community.

It’s important to focus your time doing activities that will help you to develop the specific skills that you know you need to improve - and this may be different for everyone!

But regardless of your goals, there is one thing that needs to be a non-negotiable in your practice schedule: Real experience!

Here are some practical ideas our members love!

Ways to practise English Fluency
  • Speaking & Listening: Find an English speaking partner and have a 15-minute chat with them once per week about a topic you are both interested in.
  • Writing: Find a pen pal and write friendly emails to each other throughout the week.
  • Reading: Switch all social media apps to English to practise reading quickly and get used to different writing styles.

Ways to practise English Accuracy
  • Keep a vocabulary journal and write down different word forms and collocations you learn. Then, practise using the new words in a conversation with your speaking partner that week (try to use it soon after learning it; this will help you remember!)
  • Do grammar exercises online or in a book to test your skills and check your accuracy.
  • Practise reading aloud and record yourself to listen to your pronunciation. Or better yet, join a Book Club with other English learners to practise reading aloud, and give each other pronunciation feedback (This will also help you improve your listening fluency - bonus!)

Need some help finding a balance?

Finding ways to practise both of these skills can be overwhelming when you’re trying to do it alone - there is just so much information out there! And engaging a private tutor is very expensive when you add up how much time it takes to become truly fluent!

That’s why women around the world choose Hey Lady!

Our team of English Coaches offer grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation lessons to help members focus on improving their English accuracy. We even have special “Office Hours” events where members can ask their Coach specific questions about the vocabulary they learn each week.

But here's the most important part! After we learn the new words and language… We put it into practice by speaking in real conversations, with real women! Every day inside Hey Lady! our Coaches and members host conversations via video call, where we practise using the language we have learned. We chat about the things that are important and relevant to our lives, we write articles, and we focus on the most important part of language: communicating and expressing our ideas freely, naturally and spontaneously. That’s why you started learning English in the first place, right? To express yourself confidently and fluently!  

At Hey Lady!, we help our members develop fluency and accuracy, without the stress or anxiety of planning it all yourself. So you don’t need to wonder “which one is more important” or “how to balance both skills” anymore - we’ll help you strike the perfect balance through our regular schedule of lessons and conversations. 

All you need to do is show up regularly and practise with us!

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