My Immigration Story: From Fear & Isolation to Fluency & Connection

February 13, 2025
By Ivy (Hey Lady! Member)

Before I share this magical story, I want to tell you a bit about myself. I am a middle-aged, Taiwanese woman who immigrated to the United States when I retired. Although the United States is the 'dream country' for many people, immigration was a big challenge for me.

Amidst the new environment, there was a persistent undercurrent of homesickness. There were many moments of doubt and isolation.

The language barrier was a constant challenge, usually leaving me disconnected from those around me. Simple conversations required immense effort; I longed for the ease of my native tongue and missed the familiar cadence of my homeland's language, its customs' comfort, and its community's warmth.

I had no friends, didn't understand the language, couldn't speak English, and often wondered why I was there.

After experiencing this emptiness and doubt for six long years, I was lucky enough to join the Hey Lady! English Speaking Community last year.

I am not exaggerating when I say that this community changed my life.

The breakthrough in language allowed me to see a new life again, discover the beautiful sunshine of California, and finally connect with the kind people here.

And it’s all because of the incredible Coaches and friends I have met inside Hey Lady!"

The turning point: Meeting English-speaking friends at Hey Lady!

While breaking through the language barrier, I met many ladies from different countries on the Hey Lady! platform.

I learned a lot from them: other cultures, experiences, and knowledge. It seems that English is no longer the only purpose I pursue. Hey Lady! not only helped me learn how to SPEAK English, but I have also acquired valuable insights and practical knowledge from the Coaches and women here.

But even still, it is more than that.

I have made many good, English-speaking friends on this platform. We share happiness and amazing stories at every conversation event, and we encourage each other every day.

Honestly, I never thought it was possible to make so many good friends at this age.

What a fantastic opportunity it is.

This experience is just like I heard many other Hey Lady! members say: that this platform is their 'second home'. Yes, I am now feeling this too.

The women I have met online here helped me see that this life is worthwhile.

But then, something even more wonderful and beautiful happened.

After I learned that some ladies had had beautiful in-person meetup experiences, the idea of meeting in person lingered in my mind; a tantalising prospect that grew more appealing as my online bonds grew stronger.

Because my second daughter lives in Japan, when I attended Hey Lady! events, I felt very cordial with the Japanese ladies I met, as if I could connect my love for my daughter through them. Yoshie (who is a Hey Lady! Big Sister/volunteer) told me she would like to meet me when I visit my daughter in Japan.

Really? Isn't this just an online platform? We are digital friends. Can online friends really meet in REAL LIFE?

When I traveled to Japan to visit my daughter in March this year, all these question marks disappeared.

My daughter and I took a train from Osaka to Wakayama Station. When Yoshie appeared in front of us with her daughter, the distance that had once separated us vanished when our eyes met, leaving behind a raw and beautiful connection.

We embraced, laughing, overwhelmed by the surreal experience of finally being together in the flesh!

Our conversation flowed naturally, punctuated by laughter and animated gestures, and filled with the same warmth and ease that had characterised our online interactions.

When our first in-person meeting ended, we knew our friendship had transcended yet another boundary.

What had started as a shared love for practicing English had evolved into a profound and enduring bond.

We parted with promises of future visits, our hearts full, and our spirits uplifted.

Even as I tell this magical story now, I am smiling ear to ear, thinking about the memories of my first in-person encounter, and all the beautiful friendships I have made with women around the world online.

And I can't help but feel infinitely grateful for Hey Lady!

(Click here to listen to Ivy share more of her story on Instagram!)

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